Tag Archives: superfoods

Red Velvet Super Smoothie

Red Velvet Super smoothie



  • Soak the Goji berries and the chia seeds for about half an hour in a little water to rehydrate them.
  • Place all ingredients in a blender.
  • Add crushed ice.
  • Leave one hour in the refrigerator before serving.

The Health Benefits and Features:

Goji berries have more carotene than carrots, more calcium than milk and more protein than wheat.
Goji berries would be effective in protecting the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
Spirulina has a high concentration of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Spirulina contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), the omega 6 fatty acid that is found in breast milk. High concentrations of numerous vitamins and minerals are also found in Spirulina which is why it has been called the most powerful superfood supplement ever.
Chia is one of the richest plant sources of Omega 3; with eight times more than salmon by gram.This superfood smoothie has the following properties too:

  • Increases Energy
  • Boosts Endurance and Stamina
  • Promotes Healthy Sleep
  • Strengthens the Immune System
  • Improves Sexual Performance
  • Reduces Stress
  • Uplifts Mood
  • Boosts Memory
  • Enhances Mental Clarity
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Anti-cholesterol
  • Help increase testosterone levels.


  • Very high in vegetable protein (very high quality protein)
  • High in Calcium
  • High in Carotene.
  • High in Omega 3 and Omega 6
  • Low-glycemic Index
  • Very high in chlorophyll
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Extremely rich in antioxidants
  • Low in calories
  • Detox and cleanse
  • Very High in fiber
  • Gluten free
  • Dairy free
  • No added sugar
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Purblack Shilajit Resin

In its natural form, shilajit is a bituminous substance that oozes in the hot season, sharp rocky foothills of the Himalayas and is also found in Kashmir, Pakistan and Tibet. Compact mass of vegetable substances, shilajit contains eighty-four different minerals in their natural ionic and organic forms, of benzopyrenes, triterpenes, phenolic lipids, humic acid and fulvic acid. The latter is a particularly effective carrier molecule, with multiple beneficial properties.

Shilajit is one of the most revered tonic oriental medicines. Old Ayurvedic texts of more than three thousand years there were already reference. Its traditional use is based primarily on its properties tonic and adaptogen. Ayurvedic therapists have long claimed that there was no curable disease that could not be controlled or cured by shilajit. Also, for more than twenty-five years, modern medicine has been concerned to verify the foundations linked to these assertions and research groups are working on the evaluation of its action and the identification of its effects.

The power of fulvic acid

Shilajit is standardized to provide 60% fulvic acid. Modern research, conducted at the University of Benares and published in the Indian Journal of Chemistry, clarified its many benefits on the body. Fulvic acid from shilajit can:

  • Increased energy and stamina, thanks to the maintenance and regeneration of natural biological and catalytic functions of the body. When one combines the shilajit with coenzyme Q10, an increase of energy production is observed in the brain of 56% and 144% in the muscles.
  • Shilajit thus improves the beneficial effects of coenzyme Q10 by stabilizing in its higher form, ubiquinol, which prolongs its action at the cellular level, specifically in the mitochondria, helping to convert fats and sugars ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which results in an increase in energy at the cell level.
  • Therefore, concomitant use of Shilajit and CoQ10 is particularly interesting in the field of anti-aging because it multiplies the cell energizing action of coenzyme Q10 which tends to decrease over the years. Shilajit thus helps to restore normal energy functions of mitochondria.
  • Improving the absorption of other nutrients and plants, since acting as a carrier, it optimizes the absorption and transport of most nutrients to the target cells within the body.
  • The increase in lymphocytes, activation of macrophages and Natural Killer Cells and stimulation of cytokines, which effectively supports the immune system.
  • Strengthening of respiratory function, especially a positive effect on allergies, with a smaller mast cell degranulation and thus reduced histamine release.
  • The reduction of inflammation and also increases gastric protective secretions, thus limiting ulcers.
  • Can increase testosterone levels by 23.5%: The Researchers at the J. B. Roy State Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital in India gave their infertile subject males 200 mg of Shilajit for 90 consecutive days to see if it would reverse their issues. After only 3 months; Shilajit was able to increase their subject’s serum testosterone levels by 23.5% on average, while it also more than doubled their amount of sperm cells.
  • Studies also suggest that this adaptogen substance could promote emotional balance and have a positive effect on stress management and libido.

More recently, it is towards the antidiabetic activity turned the interest of scientists, and several studies show that fulvic acid has beneficial effects on glycemic control and reduced oxidation.

Finally, other studies have indicated its antioxidant action to neutralize certain free radicals, sulfite anions (SO) and hydroxyl (HO). Moreover, according to other studies, the extract concentrated shilajit has also demonstrated its ability to regenerate L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) after neutralizing free radicals.

Shilajit, modern form and validated by science Ayurvedic tonic millennium and revered, is an effective natural, safe to use and versatile, which can be eaten as well as intermittently extended.

At My Healthy Outlet, we promised to search the four corners of the world to bring you the best of the best and we believe that Pürblack Shilajit is one of the superior quality shilajit.

Pürblack is a genuine and elite mineral pitch resin, which greatly exceeds any traditional and authentic high-end Moomiyo, Shilajit, Salajeet resins in quality, range of effect and effectiveness. Pürblack’s resin is as close to its highest potency natural state as a purified resin can be. They don’t just claim their resin to be superior or better. They can actually explain and demonstrate how Pürblack exceeds all other high end resins in quality. What makes them different is the raw material initially used to make the resin and their unique patent pending purification method.

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​Fight Stress with Superfood Therapy

To withstand stress, one of the ways is to eat the right foods. Here are the superfoods to eat to beat stress.

Combat stress can help you better manage your weight. Too stress can indeed make you overeat (eating compulsively). But there are foods to fight against stress, which can help you not eat your emotions.

Whether you are a housewife, a professional with an ultra-loaded schedule, a student who dreads the coming examinations or someone who is simply trying to find something to feed your family in a difficult situation, spend another day can be stressful.

Read more:
Fight Stress with Superfood Therapy

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It’s not Magic Mushroom, it’s Cordyceps Mushroom

Cordyceps benefits


Habitat and origin:

Cordyceps is a fungus mycelium which normally develops in the body of the caterpillar Hepialus Fabricius. Its aerial part (the peg), which has the shape of a finger (from 4 cm to 11 cm long) develops after the death of the insect in a sort of extension of the body. It is found under the trees in the high mountains of China (over 4000 m). Nowadays, the mycelium is grown on a substrate made ​​of rice. There are at least 10 strains of cultured Cordyceps. The two strains that have been the subject of more studies are Hepiali Paecilomyces (Cs-4) and Cephalosporium Sinensis.

Dosage of Cordyceps:

Traditionally, it is recommended to take from 5 g to 10 g of fungus powder per day. In studies, it has often used an extract of cultured Cordyceps (Paecilomyces Hepiali strain Cs-4), at a rate of 3 g per day. Consult a practitioner trained in Chinese medicine for personalized treatment.

On the market, Cordyceps is easily available in its “natural” form in Chinese herbal medicine, but the powdered extracts are harder to find.

History of Cordyceps:

The Chinese used the cordyceps for about 1,000 years. Because of its rarity, it was mostly reserved for the Emperor and his courtiers. Traditionally, in Farcissait duck, we drank to invigorate the body and ensure longevity.

In China, this fungus is known to promote sexual vigor, both in women than in men. In Chinese medicine, it is used to treat tuberculosis, coughing, anemia, back pain and knee and to help convalescents rebuild their forces. The Chinese ascribe similar to ginseng adaptogenic properties, that is to say that it would increase overall resistance to stress.

The use of cordyceps has spread in China when it began to grow on a substrate of rice. Products that draws come in various forms: dried mushroom powder, aqueous or alcoholic extracts prepared from the aerial parts or mycelium. There is such a traditional preparation (Jinshuibao) composed of the product of the fermentation of the mycelium. Traditionally, various culinary recipes cordyceps and meat (pork, duck, chicken) had specific uses: opium addiction, recovery, anemia, impotence, etc.

The West began to take an interest in cordyceps in the early 1990s, when the victories won by Chinese athletes in running were attributed to the fact that they ate this fungus.

Research on Cordyceps:

The majority of studies on cordyceps was done in China and many of them are not listed in MedLine. The strain most often studied is the Hepiali Paecilomyces – Cs-4. In addition to the Cordyceps Sinensis variety, Asian researchers are interested in the variety cultivated C. Militaris, which appears to have substantially the same properties.

Sexual stimulation effectiveness: A few double-blind studies with placebo (not listed in Medline) were conducted in China. They focused on hundreds of subjects and suggest that cordyceps, at 3 g per day, is effective in stimulating a poor sexual function.

Physical energy Increase (adaptogenic effect): Three trials in China in 1995 and 1999 (not listed in Medline) indicate that 3 g of cordyceps daily have been successful to increase the vital and physical energy and the elderly subjects with chronic heart disease. A study published in 2010 involved 20 patients aged 50 to 75 years: These preliminary data indicate that the use of cordyceps has greatly improved their physical performance.

Effectiveness on Respiratory Diseases: Results of clinical studies conducted in China indicate that cordyceps may be helpful in relieving symptoms of many respiratory diseases, including chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Traditional use in Chinese medicine: Numerous studies in vitro and in animal seem to confirm some of the many traditional uses of cordyceps. For example, support convalescents, boost the immune system and sexual and strengthen the functions of the kidney, liver and lung function. In addition, several clinical studies conducted in China point to a protective effect on certain organs, including the kidneys.

This superfood may protect the kidneys against the toxic effects of certain drugs and stimulate their functioning in patients with renal insufficiency. It might also be helpful in reducing the risk of rejection and complication after renal transplantation. Combined with Artemisinin, Cordyceps could also reduce the recurrence of kidney disease, kidney disease which frequently affects people with lupus.


In 1996, a Chinese researcher reported 2 cases of lead poisoning from the consumption of cordyceps. So it is better to focus on products subject to strict quality controls.

Side Effects:

Some cases of dry mouth, rash, drowsiness, nausea and diarrhea have been reported.


  • With plants or supplements: None known
  • With drugs: Theoretically, the effects of cordyceps could be added to those of immunosuppressant (such as cyclosporine).
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6 Foods that Makes You Smart

superfood that makes you smarter

The brain weighs only 2% of our total weight, but it is very demanding and requires a balanced diet and carefully selected to operate and to be on top. Discover the 6 foods to add to your diet to become smarter!

Fatty fish:

The brain loves omega 3. More than half of the mass of the brain is composed of lipids, 70% are fatty acids, omega 3. They are essential in the activity of neurons and play an important role in memory. Sardine, mackerel, herring, salmon, Hemp seeds and Chia seeds or nuts give you omega 3. To include in your menus at least 2-3 three times a week.


The brain spends a lot of energy to operate; it is a major consumer of sugar. It’s bad to nourish it with fast sugars that peaks our glucose levels, make us gain weight and unpleasant for the brain which doesn’t like sudden variations. That’s why we tend to privilege the slow sugars of legumes (lentils, chick peas …), and cereal.


Rich cocoa flavonoids stimulate blood flow to the brain and thus helps boost cognitive performance; but it is primordial to eat raw unprocessed chocolate, otherwise we won’t get the benefits of cacao.
High numbers of sulfur in addition to magnesium in raw chocolate, essential for the body’s appropriate functioning, by natural means increase focus and encourage alertness. Magnesium is the most effective stress-relieving mineral. Neurotransmitter modulating agents found in raw organic and natural cacao, such as serotonin, are chemical compounds that can act as natural antidepressants.

Red fruits:

Strawberries, schizandra berries, raspberries, goji berries, acai berries, blackcurrants … It is full of red fruit to cure vitamin C and beta-carotene an antioxidant that attacks free radicals, toxic substances that damage our cells.


The brain fights anxiety, fatigue and nervousness with trace elements (manganese, copper, lithium, zinc and iodine). To refuel, think seafood also provide vitamin B12 and protein, especially lysine, a powerful neurotransmitter.


Our brain is very greedy oxygen. It consumes almost 20% of this molecule in the human body. But to bring this resource to the brain, our body needs iron. This nutrient also promotes good memory and good concentration. If it is found in spinach, it is also highly concentrated in organ meats. The liver also has the advantage of being rich in B vitamins that enhance cognitive function. A good example of offal would be Desiccated Liver.

What to Avoid:

Saturated fats are the enemies of the brain. They are mostly found in butter, cream, sausages, fried.

To protect our brain, we limit the consumption of bad fats. But to really take care of our brain we must avoid tobacco which can cause deficiencies in vitamin C, reduces alcohol consumption which decreases the absorption of vitamin B (B6 and B9). And stress which leads to a lack of magnesium. We obviously do not forget to intellectually stimulate our brain and practice physical activities for cognitive development.

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Don’t take Spirulina before reading this!

Pure Spirulina

Description of spirulina:

Spirulina is an alga that exists as such for more than 3 billion years. So named because of its spiral shape, it belongs to the family of cyanobacteria or blue-green microalgae. There are nearly 1,500 species of blue-green algae, spirulina and 36 species are edible. The main species currently available on the market is the Spirulina platensis. First cultivated mainly in California and Hawaii, Spirulina is now produced in a controlled way around the world where the climate permits: Chile, China, Cuba, India, West Africa, Greece (in geothermal greenhouses) etc. . . Commercially, Spirulina is generally in the form of a blue-green powder dried, in bulk or in capsules.

Nutritional composition:

Spirulina, low in calories, contains a wealth of nutrients in a very small volume (partial list below). Its content can vary according to geographical origin, but also in the methods of cultivation, drying and grinding.

Spirulina contains 55 % to 70 % of proteins of high quality (proportion of amino acids and optimal digestibility) or 2.5 g to 3.5 g of protein per g of powder 5.

Spirulina is an exceptional source of mixed carotenoids (beta- carotene mainly, but also cryptoxanthin , lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. . ), Or about 22 mg / 5 g . In particular, it provides an astronomical amount of beta -carotene, or 12 000 IU to 25,000 IU per 5 g of powder.

It is an excellent source of iron, from 3 mg to 8 mg per 5 g.

It contains an appreciable amount of gamma -linoleic acid (40 mg to 50 mg / g 5), an unsaturated fatty acid of the omega -61. To learn more about omega-6 , see our fact sheet essential fatty acids .

Furthermore, Spirulina is rich phycocyanin, the only natural blue pigment can be used as food coloring and a significant antioxidant activity which is attributed. It also contains chlorophyll and small amounts of several minerals.

That is why we often speak of this alga as a «superfood »

History of Spirulina:

When Europeans landed in Central America , they discovered that the Aztecs were shooting the big lake Texcoco , near Mexico City, a sort of “mud” blue high nutritional value, the tecuitlatl or spirulina. In Africa, some tribes of the Sahara long been harvested in the Lake Chad, a similar substance, dihe, which is especially consumed by pregnant women and during periods of food shortage.

Since Spirulina is rich in nutrients and can be produced locally, it is used to combat malnutrition in several countries. Production farms have been established in India, Peru, Togo , China and Vietnam.

During the 1970s, spirulina has become popular in the industrialized health or dietary supplement food country. So much so, that a number of “urban legends” began to circulate about it. For example, claims about weight loss and disorder attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not based on any evidence. These uses are not based on the practice of traditional medicine, mainly based on the fact that this alga is a food rich in nutrients.


Unlike other blue-green algae, spirulina is not contaminated by toxins called microcystines. If a product label bears a reference to the “blue-green algae ” “Superfood blue-green” type without the word “spirulina” is listed, it is probably another species of cyanobacteria by such as Aphanizomenon flos -aquae , which itself may be contaminated.

A test on about 82 samples of spirulina sold in Canada revealed that this alga is not contaminated with anatoxin-a, another dangerous toxin produced by certain algae.

The algae accumulate heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and cadmium when their growing environment is polluted. It is therefore recommended to opt for Spirulina cultivation methods which are strictly controlled: search for references to that effect on the product label, or, if in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

As spirulina may have a stimulating effect in some people, it is best not to take in the evening.

Spirulina Side effects:

People with phenylketonuria should avoid spirulina, because like all foods containing protein, it contains phenylalanine.

In some people, symptoms such as gastrointestinal and headache disorders may occur, especially when starting dosages are too high. To avoid these symptoms associated with detoxifying properties of spirulina, start with 1 g per day for 1 week and gradually increase the dose over the following weeks.

No Interaction with other drugs or supplements has been found.

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What are antioxidants and free radicals?

Free Radicals Formation

Antioxidants are organic compounds found in food especially in vegetables with bright colors and grains. Common antioxidants in food include: vitamin A, C and E; beta-carotene, lycopene and the trace mineral selenium. They act by cleansing the body of free radicals, which can cause cell and DNA damage resulting in aging and many chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Antioxidants work on neutralizing free radicals by donating an electron. However, all antioxidants transform into free radicals in the process with one exception: glutathione, which is created by the liver. That’s why it’s called the master antioxidant; it works by reversing the transformation of these antioxidants into free radicals.

Providing the body with a higher ratio of antioxidants to free radicals and providing your livers with precursors to glutathione, such as cysteine or NAC, are the solutions to this dilemma. Whole glutathione cannot get to the gut intact that’s why antioxidants and glutathione precursors for the liver must be supplied through the diet and supplementation.
For the first time, scientists have discovered a genetic pathway suggesting that antioxidants may help in the treatment of cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from Thomas Jefferson University and published in the journal Cancer Biology & Therapy.

Scientists have known for a long time that diets high in antioxidant-containing foods are associated with a lower risk of cancer. This effect is widely attributed to the fact that antioxidants remove DNA-damaging free radicals from the body.

A critical review of the role of dietary antioxidants suggests that Vitamin A and E, along with coenzyme Q10, flavonoids, and resveratrol, show promise in extending human life.

What’s the cheapest common source of antioxidants?

Superfoods are known to be very low in calories, potent in nutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Unless you discovered the fountain of youth, super foods supplements are your body’s best bet if you want to stay healthy and look younger.

These antioxidant-rich foods reduce the risk for fatal diseases like cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, while allowing us to meet our daily nutritional requirements.

In order for your body to absorb and process them, these antioxidants must come from an organic natural source like superfoods. The best way to eat them is in form of supplements but remember not all supplements are created equal. Superfood supplements have to be pure and free from fillers and preservatives and most importantly it has to be freeze dried if in powder form (to conserve its potency) or cold pressed if it’s an oil.

Written by: Teddy Nseir

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Five Ways To Add More Fruits & Vegetables To Your Diet

superfood recipes - my healthy outlet

The Harvard School of Public Health recently published a list of tips to help individuals struggling to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. Perfect Supplements heartily agrees with their ideas and would like pass them on to you with some suggestions of our own.

1. Keep fruits and vegetables out on the counter or on the top shelf of your fridge. If it is out in plain sight, you are more likely to grab and go. Apples, bananas, grapes, carrot and celery sticks are excellent choices to have on hand. 

2. Try to incorporate some fruit and vegetable into every meal. Fruit in your cereal or a veggie omelet for breakfast, fruit in your salad or added vegetables in your soup for lunch and a vegetable stir fry or fruit parfait at your evening meal. An orange or apple at snack time is highly recommended over chips and other salty snacks loaded with empty calories. Always choose fresh or frozen over canned or dried because of the added sugar.

3. Explore the produce aisles at your local grocery store or farmer’s market and try one new fruit or vegetable every week. There are so many tasty and interesting choices and you may be pleasantly surprised to discover that you like mango and brussel sprouts.

4. Eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables: dark leafy greens such as spinach or kale, orange vegetables such as carrots or squash, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli or cabbage, legumes such as black beans, citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruit, berries, grapes, etc. The Harvard report said to “bag the potatoes” and choose vegetables with more nutrients. Potatoes are very high in carbohydrates.

5. Try some healthy new recipes that use more vegetables and fruits. There are some wonderful vegetable casseroles, delicious fruit and vegetable soups, and dozens of different fruit salad combinations. For a delightful change we like to add mandarin oranges, pineapple chunks, sliced kiwi or strawberries to our salad greens. We top it with a sweet salad dressing and a handful of sunflower seeds or slivered pecans, walnuts or almonds. Delicious!

If you are like most Canadians, you probably are not getting the recommended amounts. That’s why Perfect Supplements creates all natural, organic and freeze-dried superfood supplements such as Perfect Aquatic Greens and Perfect Acai Berry. The easy way to add the benefits of more fruit and veggies to you diet.

Our busy hustle and bustle lives can benefit from eating more nutritious food like fresh fruits and vegetables that are known to be a natural source of energy and essential in preventing certain diseases. Why not have some beautiful green spinach, juicy red tomato, luscious purple plum, or yummy red apple with your next meal?

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Coconut Banana Breakfast Shake

coconut banana shake - my healthy outlet

This shake is perfect for breakfast because it is more than filling enough to keep you satisfied until lunch. In fact, I split this shake in half and didn’t even finish my half! With a dose of clean carbohydrates, healthy fats, plant based protein, and superfood bee pollen- this shake is a complete meal in glass. Did I mention that it’s delicious?

Coconut Banana Breakfast Shake:

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a high powered blended and mix until completely smooth. To make this shake even smoother and more digestible, try soaking the shredded coconut and gluten free oats in coconut milk in your fridge over night. This shakes creates one extra large protein shake or two average sized protein shakes.

Some of the many benefits:

  • Increased Energy
  • Resistance to colds/flu
  • Healthy and more youthful skin
  • Improved eye sight
  • Improved circulation
  • Prevention of degenerate diseases
  • Slowing of the aging process
  • Promotion of weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol levels
  • Boost immunity
  • Control glucose levels
  • Boost nutrient absorption
  • Moisturize skin
  • Anti-Inflammatory activity (including arthritis, colitis and other similar conditions.
  • Allergy Relief: Contains antibodies against allergens of clinical importance to humans

Special thanks to the Perfect Supplements Team

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Little Known Ways to Replace Multivitamins!

Super food, superfood


Super food is a popular term in the health food industry. It refers to foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients, they contain large doses of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. Since the magic health pill has yet to be invented, superfoods are the body’s best bet.


Imagine a super food, not a drug, powerful enough to help you lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer and for an added bonus, put you in a better mood. Did we mention that there are no side effects? You’d surely stock up on a lifetime supply.
Guess what? These superfoods are available right now online and delivered to your door!

These antioxidant-rich foods reduce the risk for fatal diseases like cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, while allowing us to meet our daily nutritional requirements. Eating them may reduce the risk of chronic disease, prolong life and people who eat more of them are healthier and thinner than those who don’t.

We all may be adding more salads and vegetables to our diets, but concern over the quality of foods grown on mineral depleted soils makes Superfoods an intelligent choice.


  • Pine Pollen: If you are looking to for elite nutrition, a natural products that is packed with more than 200 bio-active nutrients, vitamins and minerals that will maximize your physical and mental health, look no more!
  • Chlorellais a vegetarian protein source that surpasses meat, fish and eggs. In addition to chlorophyll, it contains huge amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, iron, beta-carotene, copper and zinc. Chlorella is an excellent detoxifying agent because it bonds to heavy metals, pesticides and other wastes and eliminates them from the body. 
  • Spirulina: contains over 100 nutrients, including high levels of Vitamin B12, B complex, beta-carotene, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Spirulina is a complete protein with all eight essential amino acids. It also contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which is found in breast milk.
  • Colostrum: Colostrum is the first milk that mammals produce but only for the first few hours before and after they give birth. This milk is packed with 97 immune factors and 87 growth factors so it is considered nature’s first food. Due to its adaptogenic properties it enhances rejuvenation, regeneration and boosts the immune system so you can recharge your body.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains unique saturated fats called medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These MCFAs contain Lauric Acid.  The body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is a monoglyceride compound. This compound exhibits antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antifugal properties.  Coconut Oil is one of the only sources for lauric acid other than breast milk.
  • Chaga MushroomChaga is like no other mushroom; his texture is hard like wood and is considered one the best anti-aging supplement used so far due to its extremely high ORAC value (anti-oxidant properties) and its concentration of beta glucans, the non-linear complex polysaccharides that give Chaga extract its potent immune supporting properties.
  • Acai Berry: The Acai Berry is a small fruit that grows in the Amazon Rainforest. While the Acai berry may be small, it packs an explosive nutritional punch: Antioxidants, Omega fats 3,6, and 9, Amino Acids, Proteins, Xanthones, Anthocyanins, Dietary fiber, Essential minerals – iron, potassium, phosphorus calcium, and phyonutrients.
  • Rhodiola Roseais a super food herbal supplement that has been widely researched for its ability to increase energy and stamina, uplift mood and reduce stress. Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb which means that it helps to build resistance to all areas of bodily stress such as extreme heat or cold, toxic chemicals, sleep deprivation, and depression while producing a normalizing influence on the body.
  • Reishi Mushroom: is one of the most revered herbs in traditional Chinese Medicine. Reishi, known as “Ling Zhi” in China, was referred to as the “herb of spiritual potency” and the “ten thousand year mushroom.” References to reishi extract’s use go back as far as 100 B.C.
  • Green Coffee Bean: Raw green coffee beans contain a number of polyphenol antioxidants that provide numerous health benefits. Of particular interest, green coffee beans contains a powerful antioxidant called Chlorogenic Acid. Research suggests that the Chlorogenic Acid found in green coffee beans may help people lose weight, boost their metabolism and lower their blood pressure.

Article Written by: Teddy Nseir

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