Tag Archives: hormone

Thriving Through Injuries – A Story of SurThriving!

Surthrival Products
Hey SurThrivalists!  We’ve got another incredible healing story to share with you that recently came in to us from a fellow customer. 
Talk about determination…  The level of accomplishment this individual has achieved is so impressive!

Thank you again for sharing your inspiring story Christopher!

It was 1990, and I was 16 years old when a driver pulled out in front of me leading to a fairly serious car crash.  The resulting knee injury lead me to an extremely painful surgery where the bone was cut and a large screw was inserted.

Fast forward to 2003, when I dislocated my shoulder badly in martial arts practice.  I chose not to have surgery on it.  The resulting weakness caused a significant muscle tear on the same side a few months later while moving heavy equipment.  This injury, combined with a now arthritic knee, left me devastated.  I tried to tough it out and work around my injuries but was only left with more pain.

I had to quit all training, and as someone who thrives on intense physical activity, this was very difficult.

In 2008, I began chiropractic and message treatments.  The therapists were shocked by the condition of my back with its large, knotty adhesions.  Slowly, the pain began to fade and I wanted to resume training but I knew what had to be done next: That big screw had to come out.

It was at this time that I became interested in herbalism and decided to use SurThrival products to aid in recovery from surgery instead of prescription medications.  Once the screw was taken out, I was left with a hole straight through my tibial tuberosity that was the size of my index finger.  I began taking Elk Antler and immediately noticed the anti-inflammatory effects it had.  It took about 8 months for the bone to grow back and two more months before I could fully squat with no pain.  I was very excited…Time to rebuild!

I chose to use kettle and club bells to continue to rehabilitate and strengthen my shoulder and its now severely atrophied muscles on that side.  I continued to use Elk Antler and added in Pine Pollen and also continued with Reishi for its adaptogenic effects (Adaptogen are plant derived agents that help to adapt the body or protect it from stress. Adaptogens can help you cope with everyday stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue). Now two years after surgery, I am more than happy with my progress, as I had previously thought that I would be in chronic pain for the rest of my life.  Thankfully, I was very wrong.

I feel that SurThrival products aid me greatly in recovery from exercise, as well as rebuilding damaged soft tissue, bone, ligaments, and cartilage.  I can feel the healing from deep, long term injuries.

I’m now in the best shape of my life and feel better than ever and will keep on SurThriving!


Christopher Fowler

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